The lack of anything for those in need….

Joel Jared Ehmann
3 min readJan 13, 2021

Today I sit in my truck; outside Virginia Mason’s Bailey Boushay House, off Madison in Seattle Washington. I’m protesting peacefully how the assistant director does his job, and calling into questions his ethics. You see he has caused many of the clients here more harm than good. Two weeks ago he kicked someone out as they were “fake coughing” not sure how he made that determination but then he told them they could not have their medications. Denying them life saving medications for HIV during a global pandemic.

Another client told me that when someone threatened his life multiple times, he was told by staff if he was to press charges he would be removed from the program.

Another client was camping near by in a park, and his tent caught fire; not intentionally and not anywhere near the property. He was also kicked out of the program.

I’ve seen people escourted out many times for questioning the staff, watched the staff throw away the personal effects of those with little to their name, and personally had my home (my truck) towed and been left in the cold in the rain when I was kicked out of the program by the assistant director Matt Williams.

Ive been homeless for 16 months now, hospitalized a few times and the Bailey Boushay house told me several times that my bed was my truck when I got out of the hospital.

Do these events seem like a responsible or even human way to treat any person? I don’t think so. The administration of Virginia Mason and Bailey Boushay house should be ashamed of how they treat those in need. They don’t care however as I’m sure that all we are to them is a paycheck. A nice one considering how expensive HIV medications are.

So I’m protesting in my truck, on public property just outside the main door. I’m calling out the passive aggressive assistant director Matt Williams and demanding that Virginia Mason terminate him based on how he treats the clients of the facility, and how he lacks the ability to keep them safe.

So for now a man, who’s not feeling so hot, and his dog who’s also sick; sit in the cab of a truck. Signs on the car protesting, homeless, sick, and unable to fix my poor truck. While the people inside make decisions that place lives at risk. Come join me as I wont be leaving, and if he calls the cops, it’s retaliation by a fragile man with an ego that requires him to bully those in need rather than help them. Im not leaving Mr Williams, even if you kick me out of the program, I will not leave.

After this was posted two of Seattle police departments finest approached my vehicle (which was parked on a public street, in compliance with local laws and posted signs.) I was instructed that I needed to move my vehicle away from its location. Now this is hearsay, or at least the view or opinion of the author that the authories were called by Mr Matt Williams of the Bailey Boushay House. I complied and removed my vehicle from the area, but will be returning this week to collect my mail and medications, that is if he does not deny me access to them as he has in the past.



Joel Jared Ehmann

A Man, A Dog & Their Road to Health | Sleepless inSouth Beacon Hill | Fierce Ramblings of an HIV+ gay male longing the day when the struggle ends & life begin.